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Single Parents

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding.

                                                                                                   Proverbs 3:5


    "Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come."

                                                                                           Lucy Larcom

Words from James 

I was forty years old when I became a single-dad parent after my wife died in an automobile accident. My children were 5, 9 and 11 at the time, two sons and a daughter. I raised my children with the help of relatives, friends, neighbors, teachers and many, many others for over 15 years. I have been there, done that and worn that single parent t-shirt. I learned to lean on and to trust God for all that was happening in our lives. I can't imagine my children and me going through what all we have been going through without God at our sides, without our faith in Jesus Christ. It's not always been easy. I learned to move from just trying to survive each day, early on, as a single parent to establishing new dreams and moving on with my life. I have become whole again. You too can establish new dreams for you and your family and become whole again.



The Serenity Prayer 

God grant me the serenity

To accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

And wisdom to know the difference.



Who are Single Parents?

15 Million and Growing


There are approximately 15 million single-parent families in the United States, and many face challenging circumstances. 

  • 15 Million single parents in U.S.

  • 40% of families led by single parents in U.S.

  • 52% of families in my state, Mississippi, are led by single parents

  • 50% of births are to un-wed mothers

  • 50% of marriages end in divorce

  • 80% of co-habitors who get married, get divorced




So you’re a single parent. And you need help...

A Onesy in a Twosy world.


You probably never envisioned yourself navigating the world as a single parent? Thought you were alone? You’re definitely not alone. You’re in good company. Just look around you.  With over 15 million of you single parents out there. With some12.4 million single moms and some 2.5 million single dads. Here’s your chance to gather together with other single parents and share, and learn and receive advice that will help you move forward in your single parent world. You’ll learn how to put together a plan to move you forward. As a single parent you may be feeling: anger, doubt, fear, grief,sorrow, guilt, loneliness, disappointment & vulnerability. Don’t worry, we will show you the way back to: joy, happiness, understanding, healing, laughter, forgiveness & hope.


Come join us and learn to win at being a single parent.

Come and learn some practical tools to help you

not only survive as a single parent

but thrive as a single parent.




 Start a Single Parent's support group in your area

We can help 

 You won't make it as a single parent

going it alone. You must accept help

from those around you!

 ALWAYS do what is in the best interest

of the children, PERIOD!



Invite James

​Invite James to Speak at your Event or Lead in Training

CLICK to invite James


​ORDER Workbook Today...

A must have for Single Parents


Single Parent's Day

​Single Parent's Day

Every March 21st

Single Parents are special. This is a day of recognition just to honor you for all the hard work you do for your family. A day to say Thank You for all you do for your children.


Find a Group Near You

Single Mom's Support Group

Looking for a single moms' support group in your area.

Find one on this national map.



2010 - present

2010 - present

Videos for Single Parents

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By visiting this single parent's website. It means that you are choosing to win at being a single parent.

Congratulations! You will win! You will become a super single parent!

Resources for Single Parents

​CLICK on PDF icons below to view, copy, or print

Just who are single parents?

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